Cat the Adversary
Catherine Diebel: Guitars, MIDI programming - -
Ian Profiri: Bass - -
Dylan Hiles - Mathletics (AKA Drums)
Random musings on Cat's musical background*:
Music is my Cath-artic Cath-exis Cath-ode
I really don't have that much formal music education. I took a semester of classical guitar and a semester of classical voice in university, and took a couple music classes in high school. My only formal private instruction was via Skype with Ron Jarzombek for a few months, which was a very enriching and motivating experience, but connectivity issues limited the experience, and he sadly decided to stop offering Skype lessons. Probably 95% of my music knowledge comes from those I listen to, my own experimentation, the internet, and the library.
I listen to a pretty limited number of artists/composers. Genre isn't important, but passion and mastery is. Frank Zappa is my reigning favorite, for reasons too numerous to list. Currently, I'm also into super techy metal (Necrophagist, Origin), avant-garde metal-ish bands (Unexpect, Sleepytime Gorilla Museum, Kids Eat Crayons), a few shredders (Steve Vai, Ron Jarzombek, Jason Becker, John5), some contemporary classical/avant-garde (Varese, Stravinsky, Harry Partch, Debussy), and a few groups from various genres (Latitudes, Emperor, Nirvana, The Distillers, F minus, Animals as Leaders, Meshuggah, Miles Davis, Mahavishnu Orchestra, Marilyn Manson, King Crimson).
I'm not opposed to broadening this list, but the passion and interest (namely, obsession) I have with certain members of this small but select number of artists at time consume my time and will to seek others outside of attending concerts and suggestions from friends.
*Work in progress