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Grain is a recently formed band from Edmonton in the tradition of such legendary bands as Zeppelin, GN'R, Alice in Chains, Stone Temple Pilots and other bands of the classic, alternative and current rock genres. Grain features the distinctive voice of Glen "Shag" Conley on vocals, the electrifying lead guitar work of Alex Moore, the precision rhythm guitar of Blair Charbonneau, the aggressive, yet elegant bass guitar artistry of Tonni Abad and the eclectic drum technique of Eric Fitzgerald. Grain will be unveiling several new original songs this spring that are sure to rock your plimsoul. Hear them here first, guys and gals, as they will be on your local radio station in no time without a shadow of a doubt.

Glen. Vocals
Alex. Guitar
Blair. Guitar
Tonni. Bass
Eric. Drums

Viewed 3164 times
Last updated: 2014-05-04 12:08:09

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