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Forester is:
Wayne Axani : Vox
Sean Roberts: Bass
Brad Johnson: Guitar
Keenan Kirk: Piano
James Banks: Drums

Forester is many things. High kicks, low kicks, jumping jacks and tasty stage shots. Pushups and running man, a long-limbed guitar player, and a pianist with a least four limbs capable of cocerto's. Sheer entertainment!!!

With influences being drawn from all area's of music ( from Death Cab to Circa Survive to Every Time I Die), this band covers all bases. Early 2010 birthed this bastard son of serveral past local groups. After (self) recording their debut Ep entitled The Prison Leader, Forester has since shot a music video for Oxygen of said album, and played several shows to rave reviews. Get Excited!!!


Forester is a 4-peice pianocore rock n roll group. Think Every Time I Die beating the shit outta Coldplay!

Viewed 4699 times
Last updated: 2014-03-09 17:21:51

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